The Shenango Valley Meals on Wheels has delivered more than 4 million meals since 1970 to senior citizens and the disabled who are unable to shop or cook for themselves. Fresh balanced nutritious hot meals are prepared and delivered by dedicated volunteers on five days each week including holidays. Some clients receive extra meals for the weekend. Special diet considerations are accommodated.
The continual rise in costs of food and supplies have made it necessary for us to reach out to the public for financial support so that the program can continue to fulfill its mission. You probably are aware that our area has a very high number of people who exist on low income and have difficulty stretching their dollars to live on. The low cost of each meal has become a difficult burden for some.
Your financial contribution will help to ensure that those in need will continue to be served. We deliver meals throughout a ten mile radius of our kitchen in Sharon to homes in Pennsylvania and Ohio. You could be helping a relative, neighbor, or friend in your community. You will be touching the lives of many with whatever contribution you make.
When planning your charitable gift-giving, please consider Meals on Wheels and its program of direct service to local residents. The Shenango Valley Meals on Wheels is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization and does not receive any local, state, federal, or United Way funding.